
Showing posts from July, 2024

Why I Like Atticus

  Hi everyoneđź‘‹! The person you see in the above image is Atticus Finch from the novel, 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. I've read only 12 chapters from the novel, yet, this character has already become my favourite. Atticus is a lawyer situated in Maycomb County. He is the protagonist and he represents the African-American Tom Robinson who is on trial under falsely accused charges. Now as I've said earlier, I've read only a few chapters of the novel. In fact, the story hasn't even started yet. But my admiration for Atticus came from the 10th and 11th chapters, where the readers are completely filled in with Atticus' character before the actual story begins.  Atticus is fifty years of age, and he has a lot of shortcomings, such as his eye defects and his lack of interest in sports such as fishing and hunting. His children feel a bit insecure about Atticus, since the fathers of their peers are skilled sportspeople. One day, what happens is, a mad dog is found in the

Where We Bow Down

  Hello people! Do you know what this image conveys to you? If not, let me explain. The one on the left side of the image, kneeling down with folded hands, is Lord Shiva. And the one on the right side of the image is the Lord's son, Lord Murugan. Both of them are highly revered deities in Hinduism. Especially, Lord Shiva is also known as 'Mahadev', meaning the supreme lord.  Here, we could see the Supreme Lord bowing down devoutly in front of his son. Do you know why? This was an instance which occurred when Lord Murugan imparted the knowledge about the meaning of the pranava 'Om' to his father. This happened when Lord Murugan imprisoned Lord Brahma, the God of Creation when he admitted that he didn't know the meaning of 'Om'. All the other deities went to Lord Shiva for help, since Creation has to proceed. Shiva went to Murugan and asked him if he knew the meaning of 'Om'. For that, Murugan replied, "If you accept me as your Guru, I would i

Anna University Scam

  Hey people! Today, I am about to share with you an important news. From people I came across, it appeared to me that a significant number of people were unaware of such a thing going on. So, I thought it would be better to inform people about this today.  It's the Anna University affiliation scam. Usually, for engineering colleges to be affiliated to the university, they need to follow certain norms prescribed by the university and the AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education). They need to have a certain number of faculty, lab facilities, materials, etc. Annual inspections would be conducted by university officials.  It has been discovered that a lot of colleges have registered fake number of full-time faculty members. More than 211 individuals have been discovered to have registered as full-time faculty members in two or more institutions. The inspection has been conducted across 480 colleges, and around 284 colleges have been found to have committed such forgery. This s


  Hey everyoneđź‘‹ Not everyone is going to like you. There would be instances and places where you experience absolute hate. You cannot avoid that. Yes, it would be highly disheartening. It would be traumatizing.  But, remember, nothing is permanent. Everything is a passing cloud. It is something that God bestows upon us on purpose in order to make us stronger. If one continues to remain in an environment which he finds comfortable, there will be no growth. Only difficult times create tough people. And tough people, make even difficult times easier for themselves.  Every one of us has a common flaw: we always envy when people nearby us seem to develop and grow. If you want everyone you pass by to like you, you need to stay in the same place, stay as low as possible. Because, people like only such people. In fact, they don't like them. They just sympathise with them. People need someone to look to in a condescending manner, since accomplished and achieved people remind them of their

Small Basic Things

  Hello everyoneđź‘‹ So today, I thought of expanding a bit from my previous topic, as I felt there was a need to approach it from another perspective. Remember? Being perfect all the time is not possible. And being perfect or in order doesn't necessarily mean that you are an intellectually sound person. But again, maintaining neatness and orderliness is a basic thing. I felt not only from yesterday's topic, but also from that episode in Neeya Naana, a problem of completely degrading the opposition's call to be organized and neat. While I agree that expecting your family members to be as organized as yourself is wrong, a person in a family also has the responsibility to correct his family members in certain things. For instance, one of the ladies to the left of Gopinath complained that her husband expected her to place the things accordingly in their designated places, which would not be possible all the time. While it is true, one should look at the reason why such manners i

Mr. Perfect

  Hello all! Today, I happened to watch an episode in Neeya Naana that was aired a few years ago. The episode is based on how husbands, who act to be too intellectual, treat their household. The husbands impose a lot of restrictions not only on their wives but also on their children. Some even have gone to the extent of restricting their wives from speaking to their parents.  As the show progressed, it started to become evident that man has an innate stress to appear intellectual before his wife, since, his environment has taught him to be superior to his wife. In order to stay superior, he takes the route of intellectuality. Some men have even failed to recognise their wives' skills and talents. One of the special guests, writer Oviya, proved it clear that no man is willing to accept a wife who is equal to him in intellect. Even today, there is this problem for parents to let their daughters for higher studies, fearing if they wouldn't get groom for them. PS: I'm neither a

My Thoughts on 'Maharaja'

Hello everyone! Meeting y'all after a long time. I'll try to be more consistent hereafter. Today, I am here to share about the movie I happened to watch recently, titled 'Maharaja'. First and foremost, the movie satisfied me to a large extent. I'm happy for VJS who has made a strong comeback after nearly 5 years, as none of his movies were up to the mark after '96' (2018).  Secondly, I had the satisfaction of having been emotionally involved in a movie after a long time. As the climax approached, I remember glaring at the screen angrily, waiting for the hero to smash the villain. Also, I really loved the way actor Anurag Kashyap was utilised, since Tamil cinema has been known for bringing in actors from other industries and terribly wasting them for quite some time. But my pleasant surprise was actor Singampuli, who I remember to be only a mediocre comedian. But here, he did an amazing job and kudos to the director to have pulled off such a character with an