
Showing posts from April, 2024


  Silence is one of the most powerful weapons one could come to wield. When things don't go as planned, or when you're being annoyed continuously, try to stay silent. Silence puts a stop to your overflowing emotions, be it anger, happiness, or sadness. You could see or hear people saying that venting out or lettibg out will make you feel better. But something in the opposite way has worked for me. Instead of letting out, try to stay silent and keep things to yourself, which could help you to start introspecting. Silence is the answer to most of our problems. For example, when something unpleasant occurs, immediate reaction could spark other reactions, which could be negative. Not only in situations like these, but application of silence in various other situations helps one a lot. Some people have this tendency to register their presence by interrupting whenever people around them are discussing. But staying silent and listening to what others speak is more valuable and helpful...

My Problems with Reading

Hi people! I love to read, and every time I get to know the title of a new book, an interest arises in me to go and check out the book. But unfortunately, my interest dies down the very instant I begin reading it. For quite sometime, I have been pondering over this one question: what is my problem? I have got some answers finally I guess. First thing is, I lack two important qualities, which are, focus and language. As far as focus is concerned, I start really well. But at some point, I catch to one point, and get lost into my imaginary world that it leads to and when I come back, I find it difficult to get my focus back. This may be a result of my lack of practice in reading and me getting myself lost too much with TV and mobile. I guess most of us face the same problem. To put the entire blame on mobile phone is a bit vague. To be more precise, it may be a result of losing ourselves too much to meaningless entertainment, which blunts our brain. While we are being entertained, we thin...

To Wait is a Skill

  Hi people! Today, I am going to talk about a very important quality which most of us lack including me. Waiting! A really challenging task. Seriously, each and everyone finds it difficult to master this one skill in particular. Especially while we are working. When you start working towards anything in particular, you tend to lose patience and get into a hurry. But one thing we forget to notice is, the wait is actually leisurely. Once the wait is over, you feel really empty. Wait is actually something which gives you a purpose. If you are waiting for something, you really have a purpose and are not wasting your time. Waiting proves you to yourself. It is actually not a waiting period, but a preparation time. You prepare yourself to handle the situation for when the wait is over.  People in a hurry always fail to notice the important things. Whereas waiting teaches you perseverance and makes you strong to handle anything, come what may. It helps you to observe and learn. Besi...