Who is a Leader!


Hello everyone! Today, I got to learn what leadership is. Well, if not completely, at least basically. More than what makes a good leader, I  learned some qualities that would help me grow personally. It is not that I would develop as a leader, but if I attempt to develop these qualities, it would help me as an individual itself. 

Especially, there was a point that was put forth, which said that not all people face the same challenges. Each one has a "different" challenge. That very point immediately caught my ears. And the main thing here is, that doesn't mean the degree of difficulty here. I mean, challenges are meant to be difficult, right? But there has been a certain notion on several occasions that only because one doesn't have the challenges that the other one faces, it doesn't mean that the former doesn't have challenges at all. Also, if the former's challenges look simple to the latter, it doesn't mean that the latter is a skilled person and the former isn't. It just proves a basic idea that human beings are different. 

Also, I learned how to understand our own emotions and regulate them when it comes to decision-making. I understood how being empathetic would help us to understand a situation, but that there is a need to limit that emotion from influencing our decisions. I understood there would be a situation where one would need to pick between friends or close people and the right thing to do and how to prepare oneself accordingly.

Overall, the session contributed highly to my personal growth which is the base for professional growth. I wish I could have shared more but this was all I could recollect and thank you people for reading this blog. Stay updated!


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