

Hello people! Is everyone around you trustable? Is everyone in this world acting only in your best interests? Well, quite not. We all know that we have adversaries in our life. If not, we haven't grown full mature. If you are growing and if there are people against you, then its an indication that you are developing. 

It is not very difficult to tackle your adversaries. The problem is, identifying one. That is the harshness of this world. Both friends and adversaries look alike. It is quite difficult to identify who is your friend and who is not. If everyone around you seems to be good and kind-hearted, it could only mean two things: one, you are not upto the mark or two, you are not cautious enough. The best way to identify an adversary, is to identify hypocrisy. We ought not come to a conclusion of a certain person only with respect to how he/she is acting towards us, but from various other aspects.

You may think that if this much scrutiny is needed for just interacting with a person. Let me tell you, if you are going to entrust this person with yourself, then yes, it is needed. One thing to keep in mind is, no one wants to hurt you personally. No one has a personal grudge against anyone. In this competitive world, everything is calculative. Nothing is personal. I'd likd to share one of my favourite quotes that I got to know recently, which goes like this: "There is no art to find the mind's construction in face!" It means that there is no way to deduce the thoughts of a person by their expression. We need to be clear in what we need and clarify everything by ourselves is what I think. I am sorry if this one sounded a little pessimistic, but frankly, it is just my understanding. I may be wrong. Different people have different takeaways from their experiences. Thank you for reading this blog, people. Byee👋


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