The Need for Value Education


Yesterday, I had my Value Education exam. I did it quite well. Of course, there is nothing right or wrong when it comes to Value Education. But I wonder, what is the need to hold exams in it. For that, we need to understand the need for such a subject at the college level. What is Value Education? It is basically a type of study which adds to our knowledge about values. In it, we have several branches. Social Studies, Christian Studies, and Gender Studies.

Value Education period is actually not new to me. Till my third grade, I had a class called Conversation Class, where the students would simply talk with the teacher. That was a great idea first of all. But the problem is, we had that class only till our third grade. Actually, we should have such classes more intensively only after then. Because, as we get promoted, we are taught about various subjects, except that of values. We are only taught to think with respect to our career, our freedom, etc. In a way, we are trained to become self-centered. Value Education classes are mainly important for students who are in their adolescent age i.e., from 8th grade atleast, because that is the period when children would transition as adults and during that transition, they would tend to defy all their previous teachings. 

Teachers and lecturers argue that at that point of time, students won't have enough time to focus on their academics. But this aspect of academics is of the foremost importance. Education in this field would lead them to focus on their main subjects and get qualified. Absence of a detailed discussion between students and teachers widens the gap between them. Such classes could help break the ice.

Now when it comes to exams, it is only an attempt to get students to think in a certain aspect, and exams are the best ways to do it. Even if they had not read anything or prepared, when they write, the students themselves understand a lot of things.


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