Power of Observation


Hello people! What is observation? Well, as far as I've heard, it is the act where you notice something, which is very minute and you don't need or are a part of immediately. In my childhood, I've often been advised to observe whichever place I go. At that point of time, I hadn't taken those advices seriously. 

But later, I started realizing its importance. I realized how well it helps me socialize and find out solutions. For example, when people are discussing about something, I am able to take part in the discussion though I am not experienced as much as these people had been in that matter. Its my observation that helped me then.

Same way, I am able to put one and one together and identify solutions to problems due to my previous observations in completely unrelated matters. From then on, I realized one thing and decided to adopt it. Observation provides you with knowledge. People ignore to observe feeling that those matters would not be useful for them. When we think about immediate use, of course it doesn't. But something which isn't immediate and is gradual is always more powerful. Even the medicines we take, need time to react. So is knowledge. It would come in handy at the right time. Knowledge of no sort is unnecessary.

As goes the Tamil saying, 'களவும் கற்று மற', which says that learn even thieving and forget it, which emphasizes the need to learn. One can forget something, but avoid remaining unclear of it! 


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