My Thoughts on Biopics


Hello people! Biopics! What a great genre! You know, translating the real life incidents onto the screen. That's not easy. It's not even difficult. It's quite unimaginable. Because, you need to be entertaining while you present such subjects. A director needs to pick out the most interesting aspects in the life of the person involved, weave them together in such a way that they don't feel crowded and finally present them in a way which sums up to the person's final image.

Such a thing could be done as novels or web-series, but talking about a 3-hour film, that needs one hell of an effort. There will be many incidents in a person's life which would have contributed to his/her final image. The director or the writer needs to pick out the parts which had contributed the most. Sometimes, these parts may not be interesting. And the interesting parts would have nothing to do with the person's final image. In such cases, the director needs to pick out only those parts which had contributed and present them in an interesting manner. And another important point about biopics is their emotional relatability. At the end of such a film, the audience needs to feel the character's achievement as their own. But for that, some space and time are needed.

Therefore, for a biopic, one needs to focus on the screenplay, pace and impression of the output. It's a director at work people, not a writer.


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