My Interacting Problems


Hello everyone! I had been the kind of person who immediately panics whenever group activities are announced. While others are excited on how they are going to accomplish their task, I will be worried about how I am going to pass this phase. It took me long to realize what my problem was. First, I thought that I was an introvert and am finding it hard to gel with people. 

Today, I got to know that I was neither an introvert nor an extrovert, but an ambivert, which means selectively getting along with people. I wondered how that could be possible but realized that it's just about whom you are most comfortable with. With whom, one is more of oneself and is unafraid of being ignored. Generally, people have this tendency to strive to get along with others and in the process, compromise a lot about themselves. They give up themselves, their own desires and opinions just in order to stick with others, even if they are not enjoying it. I previously had this idea of befriending everyone I could, but then I realized that was not necessary. I need people who comfort me. I realized I need people whom I can talk whatever and however I can, instead of thinking twice or thrice before everytime I speak.

People, this is my opinion! It does not matter either if you are alone or if you have your separate friends group. But, if you try to satisfy everyone you come across, please don't! Because in the previous cases, you are in some way or the other, yourself. But in the next case, you are simply acting it out and losing yourself on the way is what I feel!


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