My ICA Enlightenment

 Hi people! Today, during my Allied Paper class, there were presentations being done by the candidates for their Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA) II. I too am assigned to the same professor to make my presentation, and I was really confused on how I was going to make my presentation. I had chosen Novel, to present for my CA II. I was confused whether I had to tell the summary of the novel, or do something else. Also, I have this very bad habit of unnecessarily complicating things instead of presenting them short and sweet.

But today, I would say that it was an eye-opening session, since I saw my classmates do their seminars and some of them inspired me to a great extent. Previously, I had this notion of presenting either complicated concepts, or presenting simple ideas in complicated ways to make them appear valid. But today, I realized that that is not required. A simple and clear presentation would ensure a fine output.

My classmates' presentation not only inspired me on how to make my presentation, but it also encouraged me to check on a few remarkable novels, since such an inspiration wouldn't have been aroused had they been presented in a dull manner, me not being a voracious reader as a matter of fact. Therefore, I thank my classmates for indirectly helping me reach a clarity and also for introducing me to some exciting works to while away my empty hours with.


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