My Gap Year

 Hello people! Welcome to my blog. This is my first post and my hearty thanks to all you people for supporting it by visiting it. I am a first year under-graduate student of the course B.A. English Language and Literature. Today, I would like to share with you my journey towards choosing this course and how I have perceived it so far. To start with, I heard about this course for the very first time when I was in my eighth grade. It was suggested by my father at a time when I was on a spree of writing stories. Thise were neither short stories nor essays or poetry. Those fit in a category which is yet to be founded. I had then had a notion that I would go on to make those of my stories into films in the distant future, although now I laugh at myself for having such crazy ideas with those kind of stories. It was at that point of time when my dad suggested that I take up English Literature for my UG and then pursue Film Studies for my PG, reasoning that such a path could help me shape myself into a craftsman.

But then, too, I didn't give it a serious thought as I was later on directed towards preparing myself for the NEET entrance test and securing a medical seat. During that process, I found that I had zero interest in that goal and that I had no focus. Being unfocused on my career led to my focus turning towards unnecessary things. I realized that I needed proper focus towards achieving something. Towards the end of June 2022, when there were only days left for my entrance test, I decided that this is not what I am opting for and told my parents that I wanted to focus on another space. I remembered the previous suggestion by my dad and decided to take up Literature for my UG degree. 

But still, I was not let go of that easily. I was asked to repeat for another year and if I didn't achieve even then, I could go after what I preferred. I dropped a year, "tried" to study, but my path was already chosen. It is not a matter of what I was able to study, but what I wanted to study. 

Now I am doing my UG first year. At the start, I had a nagging feel that I had wasted a year and asked myself what would have become had I not opted to drop that year. But now, I think I have my answer. That one year helped in various ways. It gave me a much-needed strike of reality and how childish I was amidst so many ambitious dedicated people. I was a major then, yet I had the mentality of a 12-year-old. Now I believe that, that one year prepared me to face college. It helped me to think with diplomacy and maturity. I learned to learn and unlearn from people whom I come across. I learned that I needed focus and dedication no matter the kind of course I chose. Now I am not saying that I am very focused and dedicated. I still am lagging behind in various aspects, but now, I am working towards making myself better and trying to learn how much ever I can from the various people I come across. I guess this approach would help me a lot in the long run and am thankful to that one year, however traumatizing it was, for teaching me this!


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