Happy Women's Day

 Hi friends! What's today's special? Of course, it's Women's Day. So, if we talk about the occasion of women's day, we can keep talking. But I just want to share one particular episode I witnessed today in one of my classes. During my GC hour, our professor talked about the occasion and expressed her displeasure in the way in which it was celebrated. For example, she was totally unhappy with the beauty contests being held on this occasion, saying that it could indirectly lead to validating a woman based on her beauty. She also talked about a lot of other things, and explained how women were perceived and still are being considered inferior to men.

Now I am just going to express my opinion. Neither am I judging and don't want to be judged either. I just have a few questions. Isn't the notion of beauty subjective? How could a group of people gather together and discuss and especially "judge" if a woman is beautiful or not? And the judging of a woman's beauty by a board of people, again, feels a bit regressive. They give a woman a particular title based on how their expectations are met, isn't it? I don't know if they have certain criteria to judge a woman's beauty. But doesn't it lead, again, to objectification? Aren't people judging if a woman is "satisfactory" to their eyes or not?

Only two days ago, I was witness to a discussion in which the concept of having symmetrical faces were discussed. It was said that now, a trend has been going on which lays emphasis on facial symmetry and judgement of the same. Imagine, a group of people sitting together and discussing which woman is beautiful. And there is a whole bunch of audience watching it and judging the judges' judgements🙄.  What is the point of treating a human being like a product? Different people have different physiology. How could one judge a person's face? I feel this idea is just pulling a woman back to altering herself to fit the expectations of the society. 

P.S.: I am not a champion of either feminism or misogyny but a normal person perplexed at the functioning of modern society, that's it!


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