Doing the Right Thing


Hey all! For quite some days, I've been finding it difficult to do the right thing. Then I realized, that my problem was not figuring out how to do the right thing, but realizing what the right thing is. We may have numerous tasks in front of us and may be puzzled about what to do. I tried, tried and tried to do something, but kept failing. Failing in the sense I didn't just fail. I was not able to take even the first step. 

The right thing doesn't matter only with respect to the nature of the act, but also the time when it is done. Staying up all night to study doesn't become the right thing just owing to the outcome.  At that point of time, sleeping is the right thing. I don't know if it is a good example. Anything that is unnecessary for that time, is not right. Whatever is needed at that point of time, is the right thing. 

In my experience, I am trying to overcome this problem by trying to do one thing after another. If I am not able to do one thing at a time, I go for the next one. If I am not able to do that, I go for another. And that would lead me to the right thing. My belief is, one right thing would always lead to another right thing. For some, this may appear as lack of patience. But there is a difference. Giving up denotes lack of patience. What I do is, I try to find the answer for my previous problem by trying to solve the next one. For me, my brain becomes lazy while doing one thing. I first decide to activate it for the brain works only when it is active. So first I find a way to activate my brain and once it's started, I find my way through. 

I also have another way to find out what the right thing is. I would be going on in a very good flow, and at that time, I would suddenly zone out and start thinking about something that sets my mood off. I believe that there is a Devil inside each one of us. That Devil doesn't like when we do the right thing. It tries in every way possible to prevent us from doing the work. And one powerful weapon that the Devil wields is distraction. Whenever I am distracted, I believe I am doing the right thing and come back to my focus and get going. It is said that one needs to stay alert to avoid distraction. For me, distraction is the alarm. It is the indication for me that I am doing the right thing. It is an indication for me that I am fighting the Devil. And whenever the distraction is strong, I realize that I am strong and so the Devil is giving its full strength to prevent me and get going. I still am trying to break free of the Devil's control and hope I will find my way out. 

                               Thank you, people😊


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