Dad's Chicken Gravy

 Hello friends! Today I am going to share with you about my dinner experience and how it led me to do some things which were unusual of me. To start with, I was going home from college and I was terribly famished. As I went closer and closer to my house, I was thinking only about having anything to chew in my mouth. But unfortunately, I had no other choice other than the curd rice my mother had made in the morning. The side dish was lady's finger roast, which, too, I knew would have gotten over by the time I got home. So, it's just curd rice and nothing else to have for a side-dish.

Now I do like curd rice, but having it without anything for a side dish makes me a bit unhappy. But just when I got home, I came to know that my dad had made chicken gravy for dinner. I was not a big fan of his chicken gravy till then, but this particular day, I don't know what got into me. I was hell-bound to have it. Coincidentally,  while having lunch with my friends, one of them mentioned about having chicken gravy as a side-dish with curd rice. He, too, was having curd rice for his lunch. And he was saying that he preferred potato over chicken. I was absolutely surprised. His mom had asked him to take it to college, but he had refused. During lunch, he bought a packet of lays chips for his side-dish. Now I don't know whether he was genuine about it, or, he didn't bring it intentionally to college afraid if nothing would be left for him. 

Coming back to my story, at the time when I decided to have dinner, there were no plates at home ready for dinner. All had been inside the sink and needed washing. Usually, I would just wait for them to be washed.  But the gravy enticed me so much that I started washing the plate myself. Then I had the gravy along with the earlier mentioned curd rice. What a combo! You know, mom's curd rice and dad's side-dish. Made for each other😋. Even after finishing it, there was some chicken left and only for that, I made a dosa (again, something which is very unlikely of me). Just then, my mom came home with the plain cakes and coconut Poli she had bought. What else could I ask for! I was brooding over having nothing to have on the way home, but had for me waiting everything leisurely I could ask for to eat. 

Blessed art thou (To Myself😁)


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