A Great Bad Day


Today, we staged our play for the second time at SRM, the first being at Selaiyur Hall in MCC. From the start, we actually had a lot of problems. Firstly, the rehearsal began 20 minutes later than expected. Then, my phone got misplaced but luckily I found it back. 

Many of us weren't able to get to the station on time. Some of them had to come by two-wheeler. But finally, we managed to reach the place on time. And, we actually put up a great show and received standing ovation. Not to flex, but we were told that we made MCC proud. After that, they had arranged dinner for us. But some of them couldn't stay back and had to leave. The rest of us stayed back and had our dinner. But unfortunately for us, just as we were opposite the station, the train left. We waited for half an hour, got our train and got home.

It was pretty hard, but to be honest, it was a great experience. I got to learn a lot. It was really a personality enrichment for me. The time we had in the train, it was really amazing. Talking and joking and whatnot. It was the first of its kind experience for me. I also learnt how a responsible person would act and react, and how to perceive even the harshest people you come across. It was a great day in spite of all the hurdles. I thank everyone in my team for letting me into this experience. 😊✌️


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