
Showing posts from August, 2024


  Hello everyoneđź‘‹ What is jealousy? It is nothing but the uncontrollable anxiety a person feels upon witnessing the achievement or well-being of his or her neighbour. When one feels jealous, he or she is unable to control oneself and tries to do something about it. They either develop hatred towards the particular individual or express their anger in various ways. This expression of anger is either in self-destructive ways or directing the anger towards another place. When one develops hatred towards an individual, they begin to plot the individual's downfall or defamation. Defamation involves spinning false gossips about them, pretending to act in the individual's best interests but doing all sorts of things to bring harm upon them, etc. Another way is trying to mentally demoralize them by pointing some of their shortcomings in order to give them an inferiority complex or get them out of their happy moments. But what people keep forgetting is, what they lose through this hatr

A Parental Guidebook

  Hello everyone! I think this is my third and final blogpost on the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' Atticus is never reluctant to let his children know the worst. Be it the concept of rape, or the segregation in Maycomb. When Alexandra says that it is not necessary for the children to get exposed to such realities at a very young age, Atticus tells her that 'it is just as much Maycomb County as missionary teas'. Meaning, he reflects that it is wrong to get children to believe that the world is virtuous and there is no injustice, since it would hit them hard when they get to know the reality by themselves. What elders do is, they introduce only the virtuous parts of the world to their children, and as the children grow up, the parents themselves violate certain virtues that they taught their children, which is certainly harmful.  Missionary teas are nothing but discussions that take place in missionary societies, where the members discuss about various plans to further ex

Why Atticus Finch is a Gentleman

Hey everyone! I am back with yet another post about Atticus Finch, who is truning into one of my favourite characters of literature day-by-day as I read the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. Last blog was about why I liked Atticus, which was because he was a gentleman. Today, I'm trying to be more elaborate on why he is as such. During the 11th chapter, we come across a character by name Mrs. Henry Dubose, an aged and ailing woman who keeps badmouthing about Atticus to his children whenever they pass by her house. One day, Jem Finch loses his cool and ruins her garden. Atticus asks Jem to read to Mrs. Dubose every evening for one month as compensation. Jem and Scout do as he says, and after one month, Mrs. Dubose dies and then, Atticus reveals to Jem that he was not sent to read to Mrs. Dubose as punishment, but for her own sake. Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict, and during her final days, in order to keep her distracted from morphine, reading was used as a substitute. This m